The Secret Seven were a fictional gang of young detectives empowered by curiosity and passion to pursue and solve their chosen mysteries. In a similar way these young research detectives are engaged in the research and adventure of their individual projects developed within the frameworks of the Honours year and four Postgraduate Research Degree Programs.
Jewellery and Object at UNSW has an active research culture that esteems sustained scholarly enquiry and creativity. Research evidenced through Practice takes a variety of approaches that are well demonstrated in the proof of this current exhibition. Curiosity and creativity are at the heart of these research projects with candidates aiming for professional outcomes through both making
and enquiry. Good Work Secret Seven! Wendy Parker 2016
Bic Tieu Master of Design Honours
Danielle Karlikoff Bachelor of Design Honours
Fiona Lu currently Research Candidate Master of Fine Arts
Ingrid Turner currently Research Candidate Master of Fine Arts
Karmila Shepherd Master of Fine Arts
Marcia Swaby currently Research Candidate Master of Philosophy
Zoe Veness PhD